Sunday, February 21, 2010

Topic of the Japanese culture project

My topic of the Japanese culture project is based on the samurai. The samurai was a powerful and fearless warrior in Japan. The samurai had a warrior code of conduct that the samurai would have to hold himself to, to be a "true warrior". This warrior code of conduct is called Bushido. Bushido is what I will be doing this project on. I will try to take the Bushido, warrior code of conduct, and create a high school student code of conduct. That is what I am planning do have my Japanese culture project on.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Exploring Extremes

The South Pole was reached by the expedition of Amundsen and four others on December 14, 1911.

The North Pole was reached by an expedition by Robert E. Peary in April 1909.

Edward Norton set a world altitude record on his second attempt. On his third attempt George Mallory and Andrew Irvine disappeared. The Summit was finally reached for the first documented time in 1922.

The reasoning behind most of these people wanting to risk their lives, I believe, would be because of the fact that almost everybody wants to be famous, they just found a way that they could. Either that is the reasoning for engaging in such extreme of activities or for the adrenaline rush. They just want to have a way to have an amazing high on life feeling. I would defiantly not blame these people for wanting either one of those. I would love to be famous for something that I love to do. I, also, love the adrenaline rushes you get from engaging in these tasks. I would defiantly climb Everest for the rush. Also, I would do it to just see Everest.

Monday, February 8, 2010

More Than 100 Years Later, the World I Live In Still Displays the Impact of the New Imperialism

McDonald's in China (Western Influence)

One hundred years after the European conquests of Africa, China, and India there are still impacts of the New Imperialism. These impacts can be found in any of the three conquered areas. One of the impacts of the New Imperialism that can be found in Africa is the conversions to Christianity. One of the impacts of the New Imperialism in China is the fact that much of the original tradition has been deteriorated because of the European influence. In India, one of the impacts of the New Imperialism can be found in its governmental issues. These issues are usually do to control and different opinions in religion. These are just some of the impacts of the New Imperialism that can be noticed today, one hundred years after it.

Positive Effects of the New Imperialism

There were positive effects of the New Imperialism. The positive effects of the New Imperialism were mainly one sided, like the negative effects. One of the positive effects of the New Imperialism on the European side, the conqueror side, was the gain of natural resources. Some of the natural resources the Europeans gained were rubber, petroleum, manganese for steel, and palm oil for their machinery. The Europeans were able to map all of Africa. The Europeans, also, were able to map out courses of African rivers. Some of the African rivers that were mapped were the Nile, the Niger, and the Congo. One of the positive effects of the conquered side were that they were shown the glory of God so that they may be saved. The missionaries were the ones that accomplished this, though. The explorers and conquerors were not very concerned with helping them out in anyway. The explorers thought they were better than any of the Africans. These were some of the positive effects of the New Imperialism.

Negative Effects of the New Imperialism

There were many negative effects of the New Imperialism. There were negative effects for both sides, too. Mainly the negative effects were for the conquered and not the conquerors. The conquered were the Africans, Indians, and the Chinese. When the Africans were conquered the main important thing that was taken from them were their cultures. Other things that were taken when the Europeans conquered the Africans was the Africans freedom in their own religion. The Chinese and the Indian's religions were attempted to be converted as well. The Europeans tried to convert the Africans, Chinese, and the Indian's religions into Christianity. One of the negative effects on the European side was the fact that some of their men were killed, not nearly as many men as the conquered side, though. Those were some of the negative effects of the New Imperialism.

What was "the New Imperialism?"

Imperialism is the over powering of one country or region. The over powering would be done by a single country. The single country would over power the political, economic, and/or cultural life. "The New Imperialism" was the need and desires of the European manufacturers. This was during the end of the 1800s. The Europeans wanted the natural resources that India, Africa, and China had. They, also, wanted to make influences in India, Africa, and China.The Europeans, also, wanted to have more markets to sell more products at. The Europeans pretty much just wanted to be able to make more money and become more powerful. Some Europeans wanted to convert the Africans to Christianity, though. They believed that African religions were wrong and that Africans needed to be shown God. That is what "the New Imperialism" was.