There is a great
limit in drinking water, all around the world. About 884 million people in the world do not have proper drinkable water. This limit in drinking water is a very extreme and life destroying problem. There are many people that need the international community to step in help with this problem that is killing. If the international community will not step in, there will be innocents lost. These innocents are the people that do not have the access to water that is anywhere close to being drinkable. They need every body's help.
This picture is showing
the international community coming together and working together.

limit to the access of drinking water is horrible. The 80 percent of diseases, which come from unsafe waters and lack of basic sanitation, kill 42,000 people each week. These amount of deaths are very devastating. They are even more devastating because 90 percent of the deaths are children. These children's immune systems that are taking in the infected waters are not well enough to fend off the infections and illnesses. Adult's immune systems are much stronger and can fend off the viruses. Even worse, these diseases would never even have the chance to come in and contact with anybody if everybody would be able to have clean water.
This picture shows a girl that has been able to have the
access of clean water.
There is a largest cause of the limited access of clean water. This is that the population growth rate is rapidly increasing. The population growth rate increasing is defiantly not a good thing for the fact of that there is a lack of drinking water for people. As there are more people in the world, there is less water for everybody to drink. This means that as long as the population growth rate is increasing, clean water is going to be harder to divide up and distribute. The population growth is the greatest cause of the limited access of clean water. This is cause that can be easily prevented, if everybody actually worked together to solve it.
This picture is showing the
drastic increase of population growth over the last few years and a prediction on what is to come.
There is another cause of the lack of drinkable water, though. When we use water and resources from the water, we do not return then water the same way we received it. We put a kind of stress onto the environment. This stress onto the environment may be pollution or any kind of disturbance. This is
water stress. The water stress levels are increasing over time and are becoming very dangerous. When the stress levels become too high we will not be able to use it as drinking water because it will become too infected. The water stress is not the greatest cause for the lack of drinking water but certainly is a cause and it should be lessened.

This is a map of the world, showing
the water stress levels around it.

The lack of drinking water is a huge
international issue. There is no reason that this issue should not be international. International companies are dumping waste, which hurts the entire international community. The water stress levels are being increased all around the world and the population is growing across the globe as well. This means that it is going to take everybody contributing to help get rid of this issue. This world would be such a better place if we all worked together. Together we can get rid of the pollution of water and the causes of death from the diseases in the water. This is going on internationally and is an international issue no matter how you look at it.
This picture is showing children rejoicing that they have
clean water.
very informative!