The Earth's geography is a wondrous and wonderful planet. The Earth has so many different climates because of its rotation. Also, the different season timings are control by the rotation. The animals that live on Earth are effected by the rotation too. Most animals are adapted to their environments so if the rotations were randomly changed all the animals would most likely die. Animals help humanity in many different ways. Without animals we would probably not have meat, milk, clothing, and fertilizers. The latitude and longitude of an area effects almost everything. It effects crops, animals, climates, seasons, and especially lifestyles. Some places do not have the right conditions to produce the resources that would give you high carbohydrates but you do not have to burn many carbohydrates to make them, because of the different climates, so these areas were left behind in the inventions of newer technology. This is why the Earth's geography is so wondrous and wonderful.

One of the countries that is located in an area that did not have the correct climate or seasonal changes for the resources that give someone high carbohydrates and a low burn of carbohydrates to produce is Angola. Angola is a country in the East Africa. Angola's first encounters with European colonizers is from Borgna Brunner, in his article "Portugal: End of an Empire" from Angola's coast was first explored in the late 15th century by the Portuguese. Colonization did not begin until 1576, though. When colonization was started a settlement called Luanda was established, Luanda is today's capital of Angola. Angola, then, became a source of great slave trade. Now, Angola is has a great poverty rate. Angola's efforts to eradicate this poverty comes from the government of Angola on and from the United Nations Development Programme ANGOLA in the article "Strategic Framework for UNDP Operations in Angola" The government of Angola came up with a way to possibly combat poverty. Angola's government decides to focus on the the education and the health of the people. The government, also, decides to focus on the development of the basic infrastructures and employment. Another effort at eradicating poverty is the human development paradigm. These are some of the ways they are planning to eradicate most of the poverty in the country of Angola.

My opinion on the impact of the "geographic luck" is this, I do not believe it is fair. I do not believe it is very much fair because some countries have so much but other countries have nothing. The global inequalities that are the result of the "geographic luck" are the only factors holding some countries back. I believe that if all countries had the same "geographic luck," they would all have had the same result in the advancing periods of time that most countries went through. Since all countries are not all on the same longitude, they all do not have the same "geographic luck." The countries that are on the same longitude do, however, have similar advancements in technologies and cultures.