My group, I believe, did a fine job about effectively communicating the role of nationalism, in Section 2, Strengthening Germany. My group discussed, in are puppet show, how Bismarck had many foreign policy goals. We discussed how Otto von Bismarck led Germany to becoming a industrial giant. Also, we discussed how Bismarck did not trust the Catholic Church. Bismarck, mainly, did not trust the clergy, because he believed that they were first loyal to the pope and not Germany. My group might not have discussed enough about how Bismarck's campaign against the Catholic Church backfired on him, though. Bismark's backfired and the Catholic Center party gained strength. Bismarck, also, campaigned against the socialists. Bismarck saw the growing socialism as a threat to the new German empire. This is what are group may have missed and what we covered especially effectively.
Section 2, of chapter 10, is the section in which that my group studied and preformed a puppet show upon. Section 1, of chapter 10, is a section in which another group studied and preformed a puppet show upon. Section 1 and section 2, of chapter 10, were similar. These two sections were similar in the fact that they both describe Otto von Bismarck through his actions and ideas. In section 1 they talk about how Bismarck was first made King William I's chancellor. The section then talks about how he strengthened the Prussian army. Prussia then annexed many of the northern German states. After that, Prussia fought in The Franco-Prussian War and won against Austria. Bismarck then set up a two-house legislature. In section 2 they say how Bismarck is pretty much giving his opinions. Section 2 talks about how and what he tried to have gotten rid of. Section 2, also, talked about how Germany grew to be a strong united nation. This is why and how my group and another group did their puppet shows differently.
I believe nationalism is an ideology. Nationalism is an ideology, in the fact that it is the people's thoughts. What I mean by this is that nationalism is their own personal affections and actions towards their own country. I think that nationalism is an ideology because of this. Nationalism could be reinvented for global use. It could be reinvented as a humanity thing not just a country thing. Everybody in the world would get together because we are all humans.

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