Friday, December 11, 2009

Post 5, Summary

This first semester in this world history 2 class has been a amazing learning experience. I have learned so much that I did not know before. I now know how to make write descriptive postcards from places outside of the country, this was a very exciting experience because I have never been outside of the Eastern United States. Also, I know how to make a child's book, on the politics in Afghanistan. Before the Afghanistan chapter, I learned about myself that I did not know any politics. I now know so much more about politics in both Afghanistan and the United States. I, also, now know how to make paper puppets, how to do a puppet show, and how to incorporate it into the chapters teachings. Another thing I learned how to do is to make a flip book. I learned so many different fun ways to learn about the chapters we covered, through interesting projects. I enjoyed everything we have done this year and I would love do have every history class like this.


  1. At first, I was going to comment on the fact that you had no citations for any of your pictures. However, you don't need to cite pictures, so yours looks good
